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How to write a logline in 2023? Length, tips, more

how to write a logline for movie script best tips

A perfect logline makes it easy to explain your movie to producers and other script readers, enticing them into wanting to learn more. Here’s what you’ll need to write the perfect logline to convince others of your film script ideas.

Getting a movie script produced is an arduous task for even the best screenwriters but there are certain steps that can give you a great shot at success. Along with proper formatting and following the best guidelines for writing, focusing on how to deliver and convey your effortful script also matters.

Crafting a professional logline is an extra tool that will help your movie concept stand out and potentially get produced. So, let’s break down what a logline is, why it matters, how long it should be, and all the best tips you’ll need to create one.

how to write a movie script film reel logline
Having a well-written logline makes things easier when trying to get a film produced (Credit: Pexels).

What is a logline?

Logline format and approach

A logline, simply put, is a short summary of your movie idea that distills the core idea into a sentence or two. A good logline should detail the premise of your script and reveal a little about the protagonist and the obstacles that they will face on their journey.

It can also mention any potential antagonist that they might encounter or an overarching evil in their world but typically you will want to roughly answer the following questions: Who is the protagonist and what is unique about them? What is the catalyst of their story? What are their goals or motivations? And finally, what are the biggest challenges that face them?

The protagonist and the inciting incident sets them off on the course of the movie’s narrative. This can be anything from a tragic event to a need to do something more. Also, challenges can include their own deficiencies as well as external factors that might be affecting them. Storytelling is quite broad but this general format is used for almost all movies.

How long should a logline be?

As mentioned, the logline should only be a sentence or two keeping it concise will go a long way in making it more appealing and engaging to those to read it. It will also help you remove any unnecessary words, keeping it sharp and simple to understand.

You should avoid going into too much detail, as it is good to allow any readers of your script to let their imagination wander and potentially visualize the narrative in a different light. As a result, typically most screenwriters and producers recommend capping the length of the sentences at around 30 words in total.

Writing a logline for a movie script best tips
The length of your logline should be no greater than a sentence or two (Credit: Unsplash).

Best tips for writing a logline

Along with keeping it concise, there are some other great tips for crafting a perfect logline. Here’s a look at a few that can help you channel your creativity and captivate readers.

Be specific with tone

It’s important to be specific with the tone to help the reader understand the mood and atmosphere of your story. Descriptive language can be used to convey the tone, such as “dark,” “humorous,” or “suspenseful.” Be sure to use language that captures the essence of your story, while avoiding generalizations or cliches.

It’s also helpful to consider the genre of your story, as this can inform the tone as well. However, it’s important to strike a balance between being specific and being too niche, as you don’t want to limit the potential audience for your story.

Add a surprising twist:

When crafting a logline, another effective way to make it stand out is by adding an unexpected twist. To do this, start by identifying what the reader may expect from your story based on its genre or premise, and then brainstorm ways to subvert those expectations and surprise the reader.

Using strong verbs like “reveals” or “transforms” can help convey the surprise in a clear and powerful way. However, it’s important to keep the twist concise and avoid giving away too many details that may spoil the story.

Including an unexpected twist in your logline can make it more memorable and intriguing. But do not give away the ending or resolution of your plot, this twist should be one that happens in the earlier stages of your movie’s narrative.

Help readers imagine

Instead of just describing the plot, use sensory details to create a vivid image in the reader’s mind. The use of vivid imagery can make a logline much more engaging but, as always do your best to keep it concise and only use it where necessary.

This ties back in with keeping the logline to a short length, as it allows the readers more room to embellish certain aspects they like in their minds, in the way that they would do it. This is a great tactic for making your logline and movie script as a whole more appealing.

Of course, while crafting an excellent logline, query letter or others can all help your script get attention, it is important to remember that the quality of your writing and premise should always be your first priority and where you spend the most time.
