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Which Rogue One characters will appear in Andor Season 2?

the characters of rogue one cassian andor jyn erso and galen all stood in a hanger season 2

Popular screenwriter and Andor creator Tony Gilroy has confirmed that some iconic Star Wars characters from the Rogue One movie will appear in the second season of his Disney Plus series. So, which characters will appear in Andor Season 2 and what kind of impact could they have on Cassian’s story?

The first season of Andor was arguably one of the best that has ever been produced for a Star Wars series. The cinematics and writing were top-tier, delivering us some heart-wrenching monologues, and along with captivating performances from the likes of Diego Luna, Genevieve O’Reilly, Andy Serkis, and Stellan Skarsgård, it was a great telling of Cassian Andor’s origin story.

There were some critics of the show, however, and one of the main issues that were brought up was the lack of major characters from Rogue One and the Star Wars universe featured in the series, compared to the cameos in other projects. Most of the personalities we were introduced to were completely new to Star Wars, with Mon Mothma and the titular character being the only recognizable characters featured in almost every episode.

Jyn erso cassian andor and K2SO characters walking together in rogue one
Will K2SO, Jyn Erso, and other Rogue One characters appear in Andor Season 2? (Credit: Disney/Lucasfilm)

Tony Gilroy confirms Rogue One characters return

There were brief appearances from Saw Gererra and Orson Krennic, but Andor is yet to include most of the main characters from the popular Rogue One spinoff. But, that is now confirmed to change in the second season, according to Tony Gilroy’s recent interview with EW. While we will hopefully see more from the Season 1 characters, a return to some of Rogue One’s stars could also bring excitement.

Speaking on who might appear in the upcoming season, the Andor showrunner revealed that “Some that are inevitable… and some that are surprising”, he explained. With the potential for time jumps after the Season finale, there’s no telling where it all takes place. What we do know so far is that K2SO is one of the characters confirmed to appear in season 2 after Tony Gilroy confirmed his inclusion earlier in the year.

Gilroy also shared that the second season of the Cassian Andor series will touch on some of the big canonical events that happen during this 5 BBY – 0 BBY timeline, filling in the five years between the first season and Rogue One. We know that Ezra Bridger’s homeworld of Lothal fights for their liberation in 1 BBY, and the same is also true of other planets, like Ryloth, around this time. Could we see Andor connect with the Rebels’ characters as well?

Cassian andor rogue one will rebels characters be in season 2 ezra
Will we see any new planets rising against the Empire like The Liberation of Lothal or Ryloth? (Credit: Disney)

What new characters will be in Andor?

While a crossover with Rebels or the likes of Darth Maul would be intriguing, following the storyline from the season finale we can expect to see Cassian immersing himself in the battle against the Empire. The rebellion starting to form together could also open the doors for characters like Princess Leia. Seeing her role in shaping the alliance could be worth exploring in Andor Season 2.

Galen and Jyn Erso’s character arcs would also be good, even if they were separate from Cassian’s journey like Cyril’s and Dedra’s narrative in the first season. As it fits in the spy genre, it is possible that there will be major Imperial characters that the rebels will come in contact with. The most obvious choices would be the return of Darth Vader or Tarkin if this were to happen.

Andor could also feature major Star Wars characters who have flown under the radar, there could even be some Jedi character that has yet to shine in live-action. Quinlan Vos is one Order 66 survivor, who was known to have helped the rebellion and the Hidden Path, which could be a great choice. For now, we can only speculate what Tony Gilroy might deliver, but it is set up to have plenty of potential.