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The Mandalorian: What happened to Kelleran Beq after saving Grogu?

Kelleran Beq What happens after order 66 mandalorian

The Mandalorian Season 3 finally revealed who saved Grogu during Order 66. In Chapter 20 we see the introduction of a Jedi called Kelleran Beq who comes to the youngling’s rescue and helps him. But what happens to Kelleran Beq next?

In Episode 4 of The Mandalorian Season 3, we see Grogu having flashbacks during his time with the Armorer in their covert’s forge. This moment of reflection forces him to relive the trauma of his past and overcome all that has haunted him.

The flashback finally showed us a full look at Order 66 from his perspective. It highlights all of the Jedi who sacrificed themselves for Grogu, and reveals who it finally was that helped him escape from the temple, Kelleran Beq.

Kelleran Beq mandalorian help grogu save jedi key to writing
Kelleran Beq, played by Ahmed Best, was confirmed as the Jedi Master that helped Grogu. (Credit: Disney/Lucasfilm)

Who is Kelleran Beq?

Kelleran Beq was a Jedi Master, who was stationed at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant when Order 66 was issued by Palpatine. He was one of the few Jedi Masters that survived the initial attack on the temple and was aided by members of the Royal Naboo guard.

In The Mandalorian, we learn that he is incredibly skilled in combat after defeating multiple squads of 501st clone troopers by reflecting their blaster fire right back at them. Grogu’s escape sequence really demonstrated just how proficient Kelleran Beq was with lightsabers and the force.

Beq is played by the former Jar Jar Binks actor Ahmed Best, and his return in Jedi robes has gone down quite well with viewers. But there are now some new questions about the character, including what happened that caused him to separate from Grogu, prior to the events of The Mandalorian.

What happens to Beq after Order 66?

While we do not know for sure, there are a few likely possibilities as to what happens to Kelleran Beq following Order 66. When we first encountered Grogu he was found in a stronghold on the desert planet Arvala-7. We also know that the empire was aware of the Jedi youngling at this time, actively issuing bounties for anyone who could capture Grogu.

By this point, Kelleran Beq might have thought Grogu’s chances of survival would be better if they separated. Perhaps he could have followed the same path that Obi-Wan Kenobi and Quinlan Vos found, hoping to find the rebellion from the shadows and, later, come back for the youngling.

As he was a high-ranking Jedi Master, surviving in the Star Wars galaxy after Order 66 was no easy feat. Many survivors were routinely hunted by Vader and his Sith inquisitors. So, it is also possible that he could’ve been separated from the Child in an encounter with one of these dark-side users.

Whatever his fate, hopefully, we get to see more of Ahmed Best in this role to see what exactly happened to Kelleran Beq after Order 66, and why he is no longer protecting Grogu from the Empire’s forces.