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What made Zava retire in Ted Lasso Season 3?

zava retiring from afc richmond football soccer apple keytowriting zlatan

Ted Lasso’s AFC Richmond recruited Zava in the early stages of Season 3 but in the recent Episode 5, “Signs,” he announced his surprise retirement which has set the club back in their Premier League title run.

Zava, a character seemingly inspired by the behaviors and talent of Zlatan Ibrahimovic, has had a major influence over Ted Lasso’s squad since he was signed to Richmond at the beginning of the football season. With unusual pre-game rituals and charisma, everyone has bought into his way of operating.

He was recruited to be the star goalscorer they needed to stay afloat in the Premier League after being labeled heavy underdogs by the media in Episode 1 of the third season. Unfortunately, his arrival caused the entire team to adapt around him and now it seems as if he has left them without a sense of direction, after his events in the latest installment.

Zava retire season 3 locker room with teammates
Zava reshaped the culture of Ted Lasso’s team upon his arrival in Richmond (Credit: Warner Bros/AppleTV).

Why did Zava retire from Richmond?

In Ted Lasso Season 3 Episode 5, we see the team taking on the indomitable Manchester City in their scheduled game, a club that has been known for its star quality and also where they had recruited their other top player Jamie Tartt from. However, after Zava failed to show up for the big match, it was revealed that he had decided to retire from football and from the club.

The reason he gave to his fans in a public address was quite vague but highlighted that he was going to spend more time on his personal life and deal with matters that were far from football. The striker added that he would be focusing on his “family and avocado farm” and putting energy into the things he loved.

In the midst of a brutal winless streak for Richmond, it’s possible that Zava likely realized that his team would be unable to win the Premier League title by the end of the season. And, Rebecca’s challenge to him of winning with this bunch of players was the entire reason he decided to play for Richmond over West Ham and Chelsea.

Why Zava retire Ted lasso season 3 episode 5 signs richmond
Richmond managed to snag Zava away from some major teams at the beginning of the season (Credit: Warner Bros/AppleTV)

What Does Zava’s retirement mean?

Leaving early could be seen as a potential strategy for him to keep his legacy intact and accept that helping Richmond succeed is too big a challenge for him at this time. With Zava gone, however, Ted Lasso and his players will have to find a new way to win and hope they can turn their season around.

As it stands, the player with the greatest potential to take over as leader is Jamie Tartt, as he has been putting in extra effort in training since Zava overshadowed him and has developed more than most characters in the series’ third season.

However, with everything going downhill for the club, they have to try and find a spark. Returning their play to what it once was is no easy feat without Nate Shelley, so Ted, Beard, and Roy will have to try something different in the next few episodes.
