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Will Black Cat be in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 game?

Black cat touching peter parker Spiderman's mask on a building and them looking at each other

Black Cat was one of the most memorable side characters for her interactions with Peter Parker in the first Marvel Spider-man PlayStation game. But after the release of the gameplay reveal trailer for the sequel, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, dropping us some major hints, fans are curious if Felicia Hardy will actually return.

Felicia Hardy, better known by her Black Cat alias, was one of the main characters in the DLC story expansion “The City That Never Sleeps,” for the first Marvel Spider-Man game, Black Cat was also a love interest and temporary ally for Peter Parker, with the flirtatious pair had to work together on many of their missions.

Black Cat was one of the more complex characters in the story of the first Insomniac Spider-Man game. Unlike many of the other villains, she was more reasonable and had a better sense of morality than most, other than robbing expensive items and jewels from the rich. Caring and helping Peter, but will she do the same in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2?

Black Cat's location revealed on Kraven the Hunter's datapad in the Marvel Spiderman 2 reveal trailer
Black Cat has been hinted at in the new Spider-Man 2 reveal trailer, but will she appear in-game? (Credit: Insomniac/Sony)

Is Black Cat in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2?

The gameplay reveal trailer, which was released on May 25, might have dropped some major hints about the Black Cat’s involvement in the upcoming story for the Spiderman sequel. Although it was brief, Black Cat’s image appeared in a cutscene, which could suggest that she might be involved in one of the storylines that Peter or Miles will live through.

During the opening sequence with Kraven the Hunter, his data highlighted that Black Cat was one of the many superheroes and villains that were currently active in the New York City area. Wraith, Black Cat, the two Spidermen, Lizard, Tombstone, Prowler, Kingpin, and Taskmaster were all the ones currently listed on Kraven’s datapad, but of course, we know that Venom will also play a major role.

With this exhaustive list of iconic characters, it is difficult to say how much of a role Black Cat will end up having. But her inclusion will likely mean that we will see at least one or two missions for players to complete as Spider-Man in the upcoming game.

Black Cat image appears at 1:25 in gameplay reveal trailer.

Peter Parker and Black Cat romance?

In the first game’s The City That Never Sleeps expansion, Black Cat’s story arc built her up as a love interest of Peter Parker’s after his split from Mary Jane. As this was quite a fresh dynamic for Spider-Man to be romantic with characters other than MJ, many are curious if Spider-Man 2 will build upon the tension of the first title.

From the little we know about the upcoming game, mostly trailers and interviews, it is clear that Peter’s Spider-Man will be struggling with a Symbiote that affects his personality. While Miles Morales is clearly concerned about the original Spider-Man, he may have to enlist the help of characters like Black Cat to help Peter recover as the story progresses.

While Black Cat has been quite selfish during moments in the first game, there is an interesting opportunity for her character to come to the rescue and show a deeper layer to her character in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. But, as of now, Insomniac have yet to confirm Felicia Hardy having any major role in the upcoming PlayStation release.