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Is The Super Mario Bros movie worth watching for adults?

The super mario bros movie young worth watching kids adults

The Super Mario Bros movie has had an incredibly impressive opening in theaters so far. But, with claims that it is more geared towards young kids, is it still worth going to see the classic game adaptation as an adult? In this spoiler-free review, we dive into how it ranks for kids and adults and give our overall rating of the Nintendo franchise film.

Over the course of its opening weekend, the Super Mario Bros movie is already reported to have earned over $370 million, as well as generating a lot of buzz amongst nostalgic Super Mario fans who want to see their favorite characters on the big screen.

While this animated adaptation has had little problem shattering records so far, there are still many fans of the franchise who are still considering if it is worth watching the movie in cinemas or waiting until digital release. There are also those worried that it won’t be suited for adults. So let’s see what it offers.

The Super Mario Bros Movie adults or kids worth watching waiting
The Super Mario Bros Movie is packed full of intriguing action sequences (Credit: Nintendo/Universal).

Is the Mario movie just for kids?

Who is the Super Mario Bros movie made for?

The Super Mario Bros Movie can be enjoyed by both adults and children. But, generally, it is more suited for children and younger fans to watch. The simplicity of the storyline and the playful humor make it easy to invest time into and it has all the characteristics of a tale that kids would enjoy.

The Super Mario film is a classic example of the “Hero’s Journey” story arc that has been played out in plenty of different genres and narratives, so it might be viewed as a little predictable for regular movie-goers, compared to the experiences of a younger audience.

The movie has plenty of excitable moments for kids to get invested in and its results so far at the box office highlight just how well it has been received.

There are references to Mario Kart and other franchise games in the new Super Mario movie (Credit: Nintendo/Universal).

Can you enjoy Mario Bros movie as an adult?

While many adults typically like a story with complex characters and an unpredictable plot, there is still enough in this movie to keep you entertained. From shifting cinematography that replicates the experience of the game, to action sequences between your favorite characters and some clever references to other iconic figures.

With a shorter runtime of 92 minutes, there is a great command of pacing throughout and enough engaging sequences that you won’t be disappointed. Also, for those unfamiliar with the lore of the characters it provides a good understanding of the plumbers’ magical universe.

If you just want to laugh and enjoy these nostalgic characters being brought to life, this movie does a great job. The execution of the animation and voice acting performances are of great quality. And, although it is straightforward at times, there are a few clever lines and moments of comedic relief that cater specifically to older viewers.

The Mario movie has some funny moments that both adults and children can laugh at (Credit: Nintendo/Universal).

The Super Mario Bros Movie Verdict

Film Rating: 7.5/10

In terms of rating the Mario movie, it is a heartwarming tale about the bond between family and friends. If you want to see a well-executed animated adaptation of the iconic game characters, this is what you’re looking for. Nostalgic fans will appreciate it for what it is and for kids, there’s plenty to love and get excited about.

While it can be knocked for the simplicity of its story, it is still fun to watch. It did what the producers set out to do and the movie managed to pack a lot in considering its shorter runtime, featuring many of the franchise characters.

It also did enough world-building that a sequel movie would allow the writers to explore these characters more deeply if they wanted. A sequel could also explore the notable characters who were absent in the movie’s events, but were briefly teased at certain moments. And, with the success that this first movie has already seen, it simply wouldn’t make sense not to do another.