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What happens to Rebecca after Ted Lasso finale?

Rebecca and keeley from ted lasso in the kjpr office looking off camera

Rebecca Welton has been one of the most iconic characters from the Apple TV hit show, Ted Lasso. The AFC Richmond boss has been the center of much of the attention in Season 3 with the psychic’s prediction and her fling abroad. But with much still up in the air, what will happen to Rebecca after what is rumored to be Ted Lasso’s series finale?

The show is focused on the journey of the titular character, Ted Lasso, but Rebecca Welton, portrayed by British actress Hannah Waddington, has captured the hearts of the audience for the rollercoaster of emotions her character’s story arc presents during the series.

The last few episodes were packed with plenty of highlights for the Richmond owner, from Rebecca tearing down Edwin Akufo’s Super League from the inside, shutting down Rupert’s advances, and helping Keeley with all of her relationship troubles. But many are wondering what will come next for Rebecca with the series seemingly coming to a close.

Rebecca squinching her face in disgust looking around at other premier league owners during super league meeting in ted lasso.
Rebecca Welton had many moments where her character shines in Ted Lasso Season 3 (Credit: Warner Bros/Apple).

What happens to Rebecca in Season 3 finale?

In the penultimate episode of Season 3, Ted Lasso revealed that he had a major Truth Bomb to drop on Rebecca and the season finale will pick up from that cliffhanger. If the confessions from previous seasons are anything to go by, this will likely be some big news that will affect Rebecca’s future, such as Ted Lasso choosing to retire or even admitting feelings for the club owner.

Another possibility for Rebecca could be to return to Amsterdam and chase down Matteo van der Grijn’s character once again. The pair had clear chemistry together on-screen and the idea of Rebecca finally finding a relationship with someone who matches her personality seems like a fitting way to close her arc.

Of course, there is still the matter of the club, AFC Richmond. While she was once careless about the success of the team, she has now grown to be their number-one supporter after their arduous journey together. If she chooses to step away from the club to start a family elsewhere, she may have to find a successor that will treat it with the same care as owner.

Rebecca, keeley and higgins from ted lasso dressed in afc richmond gear in the stands watching the game in suspense.
Rebecca’s emotional investment in AFC Richmond has grown stronger with each season (Credit: Apple TV).

How will Rebecca’s ending be explained?

Regardless of what happens, it is very much expected that the ending of the Season 3 finale will somehow see the psychic’s prediction fully come true. Almost everything else, that was foretold, has come true so far. There are a few ways that her goal of being a mother can become a reality.

As mentioned Matteo van der Grijn’s mystery character was revealed to have a young daughter, if Rebecca was to follow up with him and start a relationship, she could eventually fill that role for her. Another theory is that, if Ted admits feelings for Rebecca, the same could happen for his son, Henry, who will seem to be first priority for the head coach after the Premier League season.

Along with explaining her next steps, it will be interesting to see which friendships come to a close in this final chapter and if we will see any long goodbyes between Rebecca and any of the other figures around Richmond we have come to know.
